Hot Tip For DIY Retic Installers
I started doing retic as a DIY about 4 years ago and learnt this one the hard way.
When you need to place sprinkers along the kerb by the roadside always dig your trench approx 1 m in from the the kerb and tee off to the place where you want to locate the sprinkler.
Roadbase. Ugly stuff. If you try and dig along the kerb (as I did) you will probably give up after a few meters (as I did) and realise that it much better economy of effort to dig parallel to the kerb and only tee off where you need to.
And when you get close to the kerb expect to need a mattock to hack out the raodbase and concrete that will be there.
I have done repairs on a few installations where the people doing the work obviously didn’t know about this and as a result the sprinklers sat way too high. So be smart and do it the easy way
For help or advice with these issues or to adjust your reticulation call Andrew on 0400044236 or email