Brighton Reticulation

Winter – The Control Box Killer

Its very common over winter for control boxes to die, either because the door has been left open and rain has affected the circuitry or because of power spikes.

So come Spring when its time to turn the retic back on you find yourself with a dead box.

Unfortunately nothing can be done for boxes affected by a power spike, but the other situation of weather damage is completely avoidable. Always keep the door on your controller closed and you shouldn’t have any problems.

We can always check for the tell tale burn signs of a power spike by removing the circuit board. Below are two boards side by side – one brand new and one damaged by a power spike – you can see the brown stain where the capacitor exploded.


If you happen to check your controller and discover it is doing weird things or just not doing anything then give me a call. I can usually diagnose and quote over the phone and get there fast to replace it for you.

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